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Nestled in the heart of the lake district around Mullingar are the work-shops and studios of Genesis Fine Arts, which was established in 1988 to produce a range of hand crafted cold cast bronze sculptures. The name Genesis was chosen to reflect the origins of sculpture in Ireland which truly began during the bronze age. Today’s methods of creating a true work of art differ only in the more advanced forms of casting and finishing. The work of sculpting the original models was exactly the same 2,000 years ago. Genesis used many different artists for this purpose allowing us greater variety in our sculptures using only the best for each particular subject. For the real connoisseur of art a piece of Genesis is treasured in many collections the world over. Genesis sculpture can only be described as “a little piece of life”.

Genesis Fine Arts的工作室坐落在Mullingar湖區,成立於1988年,生產一系列手工製作的冷鑄銅雕塑。為此Genesis使用了許多不同的藝術家,來讓雕塑品項更加豐富,並讓每種特定主題呈現最佳效果。對於真正的藝術鑑賞家來說,Genesis的作品在世界各地的許多收藏品中顯得珍貴。


Genesis的品牌精神 “a little piece of life”,說明著不可小看精品傢飾對於家中整體擺設有著多大的畫龍點睛效果。

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